Madd Matt!
Cruising right along with the series on Casserole of Disaster, we pay tribute to the best horror hosts and personalities on TV, cinema and the web. Tonight I shine the light on my personal buddy, Matt, who runs and the deceased site X-Entertainment. His horror character, Madd Matt, is an unholy abomination who keeps us in stitches as he gives us lessons on expired Halloween foods and Dollar Store finds. Halloween wouldn't be the same without him and he absolutely should be on this list of great personalities for the Halloween Hell Show.
Started way back in 2002, Madd Matt was the guy...thing...ghoul who would lead you down the right path to start celebrating Halloween the right way. Some of the early articles are a little hard to find but with persistence and dedication, you can find some of the best ones. I did the work for you and all you need to do is click the images below.
Okay, the last one wasn't Madd Matt but it is a classic article from the old days of X-E and needed to be shared.
Madd Matt carried on after X-E was put out in the pasture and has only become greater to include other characters like a half-torso named Larry and Leviathan the Rabbit. Everything about this paragraph is reading so perfectly.
Below is a tribute video to the great Madd Matt and includes a few clips of some of my favorite episodes. If you have some time, head over to DinosaurDracula and celebrate Halloween the right way. And don't be afraid to dive into the YouTube rabbit hole with the old X-E page where you can see some of Madd Matt's finest along with his current videos on the DinoDrac YouTube page as well.
Thanks for reading and watching and tomorrow we have another awesome guy and if you were 14 years old in '94 and Fridays were spent watching TV and/or putting magnets on the back of it to descramble Spice Network, you'll enjoy this one.