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We Are Still Here

Hey friends! Sorry I have been absent these past couple of weeks. There have been a few changes in the real world that I've been knocking around but we are still on track for the 2016 Halloween Hell Show starting September 1st! It's scary how fast that is approaching but I seriously cannot wait. The office is decorated and I've been living in an October state of conscience every time I go in there because everyday is Halloween in that room.

So far I have filmed six episodes from various travel destinations to bring back the "Spook NC and Beyond" series, a few amazing interviews, cameos on a couple Halloween-blog-buddy shows, reviews on a few early item things and a top secret shoot that I have been working on since May. The places actually were pretty disturbing but also kind of fun because the people always make the best part. All-in-all, this will be the best season to date and thank goodness I have made a huge head start.

Look for the teaser that will go up Saturday night! Just like last year, you will get a quick glimpse of what I have in store with spooky stock music I paid way too much for.

Now, here is a video of last year's Halloween party of me dressed as Ben Tramer singing Warren Zevon's "Werewolves of London". Turn's out there is no peripheral vision in a Michael Meyer's mask. And the confused looking grandmother in coming in the door behind us? Yeah, that's a guy.

So remember! Saturday night is the teaser and in just a few weeks we begin! Are you excited? Please say yes.


You can shoot me an email to say something and I'll respond as soon as I am able. For something quicker, just hit the Twitter tab and say hi!

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