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Holiday Hell Show and The Toys You Never Had.

It is Wednesday here over at the Casserole of Disaster HQ and we are just starting the Holiday Hell Show! Currently, I am dipping into the realm that Dinosaur Dracula does so well. I have been on the couch with Christmas movies on the TV, homemade chicken soup cooking in the crockpot, a glass of merlot by my side and the YouTube Time Machine whisking me away to the commercials that used to fill the time between Merry Christmas Charlie Brown breaks. It is magical. Let's take a look and dissect these toy ads we grew up with and rip on the kids who started in them.

I was only marginally into He-Man growing up. I loved the idea and Castle Grey Skull was cool but at the end of the day, I just couldn't get down with characters that look like a well fibrous poop.The accessories, however, were pretty damn amazing. Take Skeletor's Dragon Water Blaster pack, for an example. You had the ability to soak your friends' toys and be the little dick of the neighborhood.

Let us look at this advertisement. It is hilarious to look back and see these kids imitate their He-Man characters in the gruffest voice a nine-year old could muster. I think it was just in the 1980's that toy advertisers propped up kids to overact their group playtime. I never remember doing any of this! And look at the little fool who takes it to a new level and freezes himself for the duration of the commercial. Either he is the rich kid who has all the toys or the homeroom mothers feel for him and force their kids to include him in after-school play time. No one likes this kid.

But the one that stood out the most was the little nut-weed who had the Dragon Blaster Skeletor. Just look at him cackle with delight, forcing his playmates to freeze. I know this kid. He's the neighborhood dick who bullied you to throw oranges at cars or ring door bells and run away. He had an older brother who would beat the hell out of him so shit would roll downhill if you ever came over to his house. He is my friend, Reed, and he was the one who threw the Cadberry Cream Egg through the kitchen window, not me Dad!


The Sly Snootles and the Max Rebo play set was such a weird toy to get. I guess if you had the entire Jabba Palace play set it wouldn't be complete without musical entertainment but to just have this set, I don't know. I guess you could pretend they are a Nirvana galactic cover band touring for your other toys. It's a stretch but I guess it works.

At least these kids got to kill Sly Snootles.

Is it just me or is Droopy McCool the shittiest of all Star Wars characters? He looks like a waterlogged pig who was dressed in jorts before being pushed down a well.

I've covered this one before and every Christmas I tend to bring it up again. It's getting to be a tradition. I never got the USS FLAGG and I'm still bitter about it. Looking back I understand because it was hard to sell the folks why I needed a toy bigger than the dinning room table. But I didn't care and I blame this commercial.

GI Joes commercials always superimposed kids into the battle to ride in the vehicles and immerse themselves into the world fighting against COBRA. It worked and watching three kids run up and down the flight deck of the USS FLAGG made me want it worse than my dog wanting his hump blanket.

I have faith the new line of GI Joe will release the FLAGG and this time, it will be mine. I want to eat sushi off its deck in my living room while watching Nightmare On Elm Street 3. You need to have goals in life otherwise you'll never have anything!

Oh hell, I had a lot of these. I don't know if it was all at once or over the course of many Christmases but even today, if you go down in the parent's basement, I bet in under ten minutes you will find a ROTJ Speeder Bike part. They blew apart with a little button in the back and in my house, that means they never stayed assembled.

While researching for this nonsensical post, I learned the Kenner Star Wars theme song never changed for any toy over the course of the trilogy. It wasn't anything "Lucas" but it was something that has been in my head since three this afternoon. And will probably be there until three o'clock in the afternoon of December 14th 2027.

I love watching these kids race their speeders around the yard showing off the speed breaks and blow-apart action of the Speeder Bikes. This was all a little before my time judging by their hairstyles. They seemed to have the Rocky Balboa and Apollo Creed cuts.

Alright, for a guy who remembers not being the biggest He-Man fan, I have to add another vintage commercial. Boy did I like this and it solidifies why I am such a big fan of monster movies and the dark side. The He-Man Snake Mountain play set looked evil it completely lived up to expectation. Even including a Henson inspired bird face that would move its beak as you spoke through the echoing (reverb) microphone. Pure gold.

Today, the true prize is watching these kids play with it and imitate Skeleton in a voice that makes you question if they even watched the cartoon. And the ginger kid rocking the mic made my millennium. Look at his contorted face! I hope he grew up to be the scary warning voice for animatronics horror rides on the boardwalk.

Well, that concludes my little skip through time to revisit some of the great toys we grew up. It's nice to relive some of the best times of our childhood while watching the advertisements and the silly kids who played with their toys completely wrong.



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