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The Wrap

Well, it's the worst time of the year. I always get a little sad to say goodbye to another Halloween season but like sand through the hour glass, these are the days of our lives. Don't worry, we both know that Halloween isn't a season or day but a way of life.

Tonight I recap a little of the Halloween season and just ramble a bit. It wasn't't the strongest Hell Show by far but it was the one that I could pull off. Recently I made a career change and the hours running this other company are pretty nuts not to mention starting my own venture, albeit very quietly. All that said, I didn't get to do nearly what I wanted to. It happens.

Here is a quick video of me telling you how awesome you are and we will have more Hell Shows in the future. Maybe sooner than you think ;).

Have a safe and wonderful Halloween. I hope this year turned out to be the best one yet and tomorrow is filled with evil fun and spooky activities. Happy Halloween.


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